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Trade Fairs, Exhibitions Serving Their Purposes

Published on: Mon, 2013-12-02 00:00

International Trade Fairs are organized with the aim to get local manufacturers the opportunity to promote their products, create market lineages and exchange information with foreign manufacturers, transfer knowledge and technology, and attract foreign investors among others.
To this effect, the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) has over the past years been carrying out various exhibitions. The 6th Ethio-Chamber International Trade Fair which is taking place recently at the Exhibition Centre is one such events. Opening the Trade Fair which kicked off on November 27, 2013 under the motto, “Buy Ethiopian,” ECCSA President Mulu Solomon noted that the event is believed to be instrumental in promoting Ethiopian goods and services, creating market linkage and facilitating technology transfer thereby enhancing Ethiopia's export trade. Moreover, the “Buy Ethiopian” motto has targeted not only to promoting Ethiopian products to the outside world but also intends to expand local markets by correcting the misconceptions of the domestic buyers towards local products.
Mulu further said that the underpinning rationales of the “Buy Ethiopian” are thus, intertwined with the underlying principles of the Industrial Development Strategy (IDS) and the current GTP which advocates for the promotion of local products and services as well as Small and Micro Enterprises thereby boosting the export trade and import substitution performance of the nation among others
ECCSA has ben undertaking various activities to create a dynamic and vibrant private sector that could play an irreplaceable role in the overall national economy.
ECCSA has been rendering various services in a bid to creating competitiveness though various forums, such as the “Buy Ethiopian” International Trade Fair, the public- private sector consultative forum (PPCF), which is serving as a bridge between the government and the private sector to discuss various issues , Business to Business (B to B) forums and, other services including trade and investment promotion activities and advocacy and provision of financial and technical support to regional chambers among others.
ECCSA has long recognized the paramount importance of market linkage through conducting international trade fair. Thus, the “Buy Ethiopian” International Trade Fair is the continuation of ECCSA's resounding efforts of building strong private sector in Ethiopia.
Mulu further said, “ Buy Ethiopian” does not at all mean that it disregards showcasing imported goods particularly those that directly or indirectly contribute to the locally produced goods and services. “It is aimed at attracting foreign companies that would supply inputs for the various sectors in the economy. Manufacturing and industrial equipment, chemicals and pharmaceutical, agricultural machinery, construction materials and logistics, among others,” she added.
Foreign exhibitors would be able to undertake marketing research and business networking as well as gain potential customers. It is also an opportunity for foreign participants to very well understand the investment opportunities in Ethiopia and enable them where and how they can invest either by themselves or in partnership with local businesses, Mulu said.
The organizational, promotional and structural capacities of the trade fairs conducted in Ethiopia are improving and growing from time to time, according to the ECCSA president. “We have started hosting some specialized trade fairs and exhibitions on specific products and services or interrelated products such as leather and leather products, automotive, ICT and agricultural inputs, construction and manufacturing.”
Mulu further said that The African Industry Day which is being marked along with the 6th Ethio- Chamber International Trade Fair, could serve as a forum to confront the challenges and make use of opportunities of the African industry sector.
State Industry Minister, Tadesse Haile on the occassion said, “ the government intends to promote industrialization through increased domestic and foreign direct, increased productivity and export of value-added products.” Tadesse also noted that Ethiopia concluded the third year of the five year GTP, designed not only to ensure sustainability of the economy growth but also bring a structural change into the economy.
The State Minister further said that the industry sector is receiving and will continue to receive the utmost emphasis by way of promoting investment in export based and strategic import substituting industries. Vertical and horizontal linkages between agriculture and industrial sector are also being promoted. Government programmmes focus on strengthening the small and medium scale manufacturing enterprises as they are the foundation for the establishment and intensification of large scale industries, creating employment opportunities and accelerating urbanization.
To accelerate the structural shift of the economy, the Ethiopian government is intensively working on the development of industrial zones in different locations of the country. In relation to this he indicated that the first phase of the Bole-Lemi Industrial Zone was completed and occupied by globally known manufacturing companies.
“Value adding private sector is considered as the engine of growth. I am confident that the private sector will contribute its share on the ongoing development efforts of the nation, and I am assure you that the Ethiopian government will continue supporting the private sector for the same cause,” Tadesse noted.
He also said that such events like the sixth Ethio- Chamber International Trade Fair are instrumental to facilitate the envisioned growth of the country.
Such platforms would help local manufactures to get the opportunity to promote their products, create market linkages and exchange information with foreign manufacturers, transfer knowledge and technology as well as attract foreign investors among others. “We need to reduce the risk of exposure to the volatility of global commodity prices through the expansion and deepening of the industry sector and increase of value added exports. International trade fairs such as this would , I believe ultimately help the nation transform itself to an industrialized economic base by encouraging local production and attracting foreign investors in manufacturing.”
Tadesse thanked JICA for supporting and promoting Ethiopia's potential champion products and their participation on the trade fair.
ECCSA Secretary General,Gashaw Debebe said that the success of the Ethio- Chamber International Trade Fair for the 6th time now, has iindicated the growing organizational, promotional and human resource capacity of ECCSA. Moreover, compared to the previous ones, the number of participants have increased by many folds.
The Trade fair is also an opportunity time to discus on ways of integrating and linking the Ethiopian industry sector with other African countries and the global market. “We are marking the African Industry Day on the sideline of the International Trade Fair,” he said .
The chamber will also organize B to B forums. Over 300 local and 70 foreign companies drawn from various countries particularly India, Israel, Japan,United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Sudan,Iran among are participating on this trade fair which was organized by ECCSA and UNIDO.
Source: The Ethiopian Herald

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