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Rural Road Construction Completed

Published on: Wed, 2014-02-05 00:00
Rural road

The construction of a 24-kms rural road undertaken in Deder Woreda of East Hararge Zone of Oromia State at cost 21 million birr has reportedly been completed, EH reported.

Zonal Administrator Demse Yachiso said at the inauguration event that the road would help farmers easily supply their products to market and get inputs.

He lauded the public for its contribution to the construction of the road.

Zonal Roads Office Head Feisel Temeli on his part said the road links six rural localities with main roads.

The Office has constructed 2,200-kms rural roads during the first three years of the Growth and Transformation Plan period, he said.

The plan is to construct 3,100-kms rural roads in the plan period.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald (EH)

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