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Ethiopia, France Sign 70m Euros Financing Agreement

Published on: Mon, 2013-12-23 10:43
Image of Sufian Ahmed, the minister for MoFED and Nicole Bricq, French foreign trade minister  during the signing ceremony

The government of Ethiopia and France on Thursday signed two loan agreements amounting to 70 million Euros to support construction of high-voltage transmission lines and sanitary landfill.

Some 50 million Euros of the total assistance will be used to finance the implementation of reinforcing power transmission network.

It will finance the erection of 62km of 400kv transmission lines and the construction of corresponding new substations in Debreb Zeit, Dukem, Modjo and Ginchi.

The 20 million Euros assistance will be used to support the Addis Ababa City Administration waste management program.

The fund will finance construction of a new sanitary landfill including access road, as well as infrastructure and facilities for both waste selecting and recycling.

Finance and Economic Development Minister, Sufiann Ahmed and French Minister for Foreign Trade, Nicole Bricq signed the agreement.

Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency (ERTA)

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