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Efforts Underway To Address Potable Water Supply Of Gambella Town

Published on: Sat, 2013-11-02 00:00

Efforts are underway to improve the potable water supply of Gambella town, according to water and sewerage service agency of the town.

In order to temporally solve the safe drinking water problem of the town, two new water pumps were procured at a cost of 3 million birr, Abula Udangi, director of the agency told WIC.

In addition to clearing water dams filled with sediment, renovation of the existing water pumps is underway with an outlay of 200,000 birr allocated by the regional government, he said.

According to Abula, the efforts being made by the government would help to solve the existing water supply problem of the town.
Source: Walta Information Center (WIC)

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