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Construction Site Safety Tips That Will Reduce Hazards At Work

Published on: Wed, 2014-01-01 16:51
Construction site workers image

Construction sites tend to be incredibly hazardous environments. Between swinging wires, great heights, dangerous drops, and heavy materials – there are a plethora of options for getting hurt on a construction site. But there are also just as many tools out there with the explicit job of keeping your employees safe.

To help prevent injuries at work, we’re going to discuss a couple of them today.

The most often cited one – since falls account for the most fatalities nearly every year on OSHA’s lists – is fall protection. Fall protection can consist of several different options, but most involve a mixture of passive and active fall protection. For example, a building will have handrails built onto the rooftops, which workers will use in addition to lines holding them up from dropping. This strategy of multiple things keeping an employee safe at once is employed often.

Another large issue affect construction sites (and their workers) is dealing with communications’ issues. As workforces have been gradually getting more diverse over time, language barriers have started popping up. This lack of communication can lead to a crucial fact being skipped over, particularly in training. Make sure that all employees understand the rules and regulations that affect that, and that all signage is posted in the first-spoken language of all of your employees.

The third and final hazard we’ll discuss today is the dangers of using old technique to accomplish tasks that modern technology has revolutionized. For example, digging to put cables, wires, and hoses underground is no in-efficient, thanks to the patented cable trenching substitutes which have been invented. By using modern inventions like these hose protection systems for covering up your wires, your construction site will be a much safer place for employees.

The most important thing to always keep in mind is employee safety. Even just one incident could lead to time, money, and lives lost. So be prepared, train your employees, use modern technology, and keep everyone safe out there!

Source: civilengineerblog.com

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