Lion International Bank
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About Lion International Bank S.C.
Lion International Bank S.C. (LIB) is a privately owned Share Company, established on October 2, 2006 in accordance with Proclamation 84/94 and the commercial code of Ethiopia and officially inaugurated for public services on January 6, 2007.
With over 6400 shareholders, LIB has a unique position in the commercial banking industry and is distinguished for its broad based participation of the public from all walks of life. LIB's paid up capital is over birr 320 million while its subscribed capital is birr 432 million. Article 310(1) of the commercial code of Ethiopia entitles the promoters' committee to 20% of the net profit of the bank for a period not exceeding three years. However, they have relinquished this right by their own free will to enhance the capacity of the Bank.
To be a leading bank in Ethiopia.
LIB is committed to maximizing customers' satisfaction and its share holders' value through quality and diversified banking services delivery, technological leadership, and motivated employees.
Corporate Values
- Dedication to customer satisfaction;
- Transparency;
- Confidentiality;
- Learning organization;
- Professionalism;
- Striving to employees' satisfaction;
- Reasonable and fair return to shareholders; and
- Social responsibility.
Employees Value
- Professionalism and competency;
- Reliability;
- Uncompromised integrity, honesty, and ethical standard;
- Customer friendliness;
- Responsiveness;
- Confidentiality;
- Advance Bank's interest; and
- Team spirit;
Loan and Advances
LIB extends both term loans and overdraft facilities at competitive lending rates to investors and the business community engaged in any sectors of the economy. The major credit facilities are:
Overdraft Loan
Term loans
- Short- term loans
- Medium-term loans
- Long-term loans
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