Awash Insurance S.C
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About Awash Insurance
Awash Insurance Company S.C. (AIC) is one of the first few pioneer private insurance companies in Ethiopia launched following the liberalization of the financial sector in 1994. With well-founded experience and customer oriented service, AIC is progressing in renewing its commitment to excellence.
Our Vision
To be the leading and the best insurance service provider.
Our Mission
To provide diversified general and long-term insurance services to a continuously growing number of clients efficiently, competitively and profitably supported by modern technology as well as by well trained, professionally and socially responsible team of management and employees.
Our Values
- We are committed to our clients.
- We are committed to our staff.
- We are punctual.
- Honesty is our basic tenet.
- Team-work is our organizing principle.
- We keep our code-of-dressing.
- We promote gender equality.
- We are environment friendly.
- Transparency is our guiding principle.
- Carry out all types of general and long-term insurance and reinsurance businesses in Ethiopia and abroad;
- Provide customers with clear, up-to-date and helpful professional advice on insurance and related matters;
- Make sure that the protection provided is completely fit to the requirements of customers;
- Invest in businesses incidental to insurance in accordance with the law;
- Support social causes in undertaking its corporate responsibility;
- Initiate, promote and uphold the actualization of lucrative businesses by financing or investing in them to maximize the Shareholders' benefits;
- Work severally and hand-in-glove with all concerned to enhance the awareness about insurance among the general public;
- Facilitate, guarantee and help accelerate socio-economic development of the country in serving as a rearguard;
- And above all, contribute its part to the sustainable growth of the economy.
General Insurance (Non-Life)
- Motor (private & commercial);
- Fire & Lightning, and Allied perils;
- Business interruption;
- Burglary & Housebreaking;
- Marine Inland Transit;
- Marine Cargo;
- Workmen's Compensation (Employers' Liability);
- Personal/Group Personal Accident;
- Engineering:
- Boilers and Pressure Vessels
- Contractors' All Risks (CAR)
- Erection All Risks (EAR)
- Contractors' Plant and Machinery
- Electronic Equipment
- Machinery Breakdown
- Public Liability;
- Money in Safe and in Transit;
- Plate Glass;
- Many Others.
Only the major ones are listed above. Tell us your needs/requirements/concern areas & we will explore with you and advice/ help you to pick and purchase the most suitable at an affordable price!
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